
GLOCAEM (GLObal Coordination of Atmospheric Electricity Measurements) brings together world experts in atmospheric electricity to create the first near real time database for atmospheric electric field (or potential gradient, PG) measurements. Potential gradient measurements can provide insights into a number of meteorological processes including global lightning activity, climatic variability, aerosol pollution, fog and cloud, as well as space weather influences on atmospheric processes.

The global nature of atmospheric electricity (through the Global Electric Circuit – means that in order to truly understand atmospheric electrical processes, worldwide measurements are required.  GLOCAEM provides an easily accessible portal for researchers to freely and easily access global potential gradient data for research.  Data is available from 17 sites world wide so far (see map),  spanning 4 continents.

Map of the GLOCAEM measurement sites

GLOCAEM is the first atmospheric electricity database to archive high frequency potential gradient measurements alongside meteorological data, with data from all sites provided in an identical format. This enables straightforward analysis of data, as well as more robust interpretation of data, particularly for fair weather conditions which are so important to the study of global atmospheric electrical processes.

GLOCAEM is funded by the UK Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), under grant number NE/N013689/1